continue on with 3 weeks of serious food gal Halloween costume
inspiration: Super-talented lady chefs, bakers (like Christina Tosi!), food writers, bloggers, TV personalities—are you liking these, because I'm kind of obsessed?! As I've said, these costumes are easy to throw together, plus
it's the perfect excuse to carry around snacks all night!
Next up: April Bloomfield, chef of The Spotted Pig, The Breslin Bar & Dining Room and The John Dory Oyster Bar, AND the author of her first and fabulous book, A Girl And Her Pig. Aside from April being a truly lovely person and a crazy talented chef, it's always pretty awesome to see a strong, creative woman totally owning her field. I don't know about you, but I'd love to step into her clogs for a day :) and Halloween seems like the perfect opportunity to do just that!
- small pig
- white chef jacket
- your favorite jeans
- clogs
- white apron
- hair ties (pull your hair up!)
- British lip balm
- Pimm's Cup (no one make 'em better than the The Spotted Pig!)
To really get into character, you could always try an English accent—April is from Birmingham, England, after all—but spare us all and only do this if you're truly skilled for goodness sake! Otherwise, enjoy your day as April! Might I suggest popping into The Spotted Pig, grabbing a burger (or the gnudi, sigh!) and enjoying a beer or two for inspiration...
[Photo of April by David Loftus for her book A Girl and Her Pig.Pimm's Cup photo from iStockphoto.com]
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